The Role of The DKI Jakarta Tourism and Creative Economy Office in Implementing Covid-19 Health Protocols in Kota Tua Tourist Destinations
Role, DKI Jakarta Tourism and Creative Economy Office, Health Protocol Policy, Old Town DestinationAbstract
COVID-19 impacts tourism conditions that are suddenly sluggish, making several tourism sites forced to close due to applicable policies, tourist destinations in the Old City of Jakarta also experience this. The government is one of the three stakeholders with the most major role in running the tourism sector in Kota Tua. The DKI Jakarta Tourism and Creative Economy Office as a regional apparatus that handles tourism affairs in Jakarta, including the Old City, makes all kinds of efforts for the tourism sector to survive even amid the COVID-19 pandemic; among these efforts is by implementing health protocol policies in tourist destinations in the Old City of Jakarta. This study aims to determine the DKI Jakarta Tourism Office’s role in implementing health protocol policies in Jakarta’s Old Town tourist destinations. In this study, the researchers used a qualitative approach research methodology. The data collection method uses interviews, observations, documentation, literature studies, data validity tests with triangulation of data, sources, and practices, and SWOT analysis. The results showed that in carrying out health protocol policies in Old Town destinations, the DKI Jakarta Tourism and Creative Economy Office authorized the Old City area management unit (UPK) as a unit under its auspices to manage and supervise the implementation of health protocols implemented in the Old City and collaborate with authorized parties such as the TNI, Polri, and Satpol PP as the COVID-19 Task Force di 2021
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Copyright (c) 2023 Gagih Pradini, Anisa Putri Kusumaningrum, Fitri Agustiani, Affifah Rimadani, Ajie Wicaksono

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